Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A True Confession

---Note--- I posted this in another site last year

I went to confession a few hours ago. There is really something about religion that offers a soothing balm to the soul. I have been in a quandary (of my own making) for quite some time now. I am not the most pleasant person to have religious debates with especially when I am in one of my questioning moods. I am a logical person and I have the tendency to rationalize everything. And religion, any religion by nature is surrounded by mystery.

And mystery is something that is good for the soul, as my confessor told me earlier. I found myself voicing an incredulous, "Really?" Being surrounded by mystery makes us cling to our God more since we are supposed to seek answers to the questions we ask, answered the wise priest.

And did I have a lot of questions to ask. Why does God seem to bless others more? Why is another person's prayer answered quicker than mine? Why is it that my petitions have gone unanswered for years now? These questions still beg to be answered. Yet somehow, after my discussion (my confession turned into a consultation) with the priest, I felt peace in my heart. And now, though I ask the same questions, I ask them with more faith than doubt. I ask them because I desire to know God and not to question His wisdom.

Many might be surprised by the sudden shift in views I show. But then perhaps this is one of the mysteries religion has to offer. Questions may be left unanswered but peace still manages to reign. I guess this is what religion is really about. Peace in the midst of chaos. Satisfaction in the face of want. Serenity despite the doubts.

I wish that many will go to confession and realize that confession is not merely to relieve yourself from the burden of sin. Rather, it is an opportunity to speak clearly to God and hear His reply through His modern day apostle. Religion is a refreshing spring to quench the thirst of tired souls.


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